Thursday, 7 May 2009


Weeks 6-13 of Sircling Australia

I did finish the trip but not the blog posts which was very irresponsible of me and I plan to write this wrong in the very near future!

Sydney - Take 2

After circumnavigating Oz I returned to Sydney where I somehow ended up managing a backpacker hostel in Woolloomooloo. A short story summing up the trials, tribulations and downright hilarious moments from my two month stint as a hostel worker is on its way over the coming weeks.

Kiwi Krusades

After I had used up every last bit of my working visa and had to leave the wonderful world of Oz I hit the travelling trail again aboard the Magic Bus in New Zealand, tales of my 3 week whistle-stop tour of NZ coming soon.

American Invasion

After a brief return to Oz for Christmas I began the journey home but if for one second you think I just hopped on a plane to the UK you are sorely mistaken and have obviously not been reading this blog for long, I hit LA, Vega, San Fran, Seattle, Bermuda (not technically in the US but go with it this time ok?) and finally NYC. The story of the final leg of what turned out to be an 18 month adventure will be coming to a computer screen near you this summer.

And that as they say is that, not to spoil the ending for anyone but I am now back in the UK, back at my old job in PR with the agency I was with before I left and getting use to life in one place...

...of course this in no ways means my travels are over, I still have a lot of Europe to visit and now it is close enough to visit got a long weekend so watch this space and who know what you will see!

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