Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Turning over a new leaf

So as those of you who still visit this site will know it has become more of a memorial to my travels than anything else but still seems to function as a reference for many of you who are looking to find out more about the infamous OzBus and the experiences of that first group of nutters who embarked on the trip.

Well that is all about to change. Over the next couple of weeks the final chapters of my travels will appear (finally) and a new and improved blog will begin to emerge.

I am no longer the care free traveller who toured the globe and wrote most of the content you can find here or the angst ridden individual who began the project with his daily musings on life, the universe and everything but that is no reason to stop sharing my unique and often random perception of life with the few people who chance across this site.

Once the travel notes are up to date I will begin to blog on the everyday experiences of life as a working Londoner, this content will range from musings on the world of PR and social media (my day job) through to the things that happen to me every day that I feel like sharing with the world. I am sure there will still be a few travel tales as well but the trips will be a week or so long rather than 18 months!

Expect to see a blow by blow account of the agony that will be the London Marathon including detailed descriptions of the damage I will inevitably do to myself and other amusing stories. I have a trip to Dubai coming up in June and will be sure to bore you all with the vast amount of relaxing and sunbathing I plan to do.

Hopefully some of you will find my tales amusing and I will bring a smile to a few faces over the coming months, then it will all be worth it!

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