Friday, 1 July 2011

So what's next for the OzBus Diaries and its author?

Hey, see I am still alive, honest, just not been giving this blog the attention it deserves, as usual.

I am trying to get better at keeping this up to date and as usual I will start my post with the promise to start writing here more regularly and will probably blog again in a couple of months and apologise for not doing it sooner but you all know this part of my charm!

So what is my excuse this time? Well I have been busy getting on with life and working out what direction to head in. After two and a bit years back in the UK I have decided it is not the place for me. So at start of this year I pulled myself together and went job hunting overseas, my goal was to get a sponsored role in Sydney and move back to Oz permanently.

I began by researching PR firms in Sydney, trying to find the right fit for me and my experience then got in touch with the top ones and began the process. It was slow going to start with then a couple of months ago a phone interview went well, was followed up with a Skype interview, a couple of tests and before I knew it, a job offer!

So now I am a week away from leaving the UK for good for a new life in Sydney. This will not be the crazy travelling adventure that the rest of this blog has been dedicated to over the years but it will be certainly be an adventure, anyone who wants advice on emigrating feel free to get in touch and I can share what I have learnt and keep your eyes out for future posts on how life in Sydney is going.

1 comment:

Red Nomad OZ said...

Well ... congratulations!! And welcome downunder!!

If you're ever in any doubt about where to go and what to see in OZ, drop in for a visit!!

Red's Australian Round-up!
